
Monday, January 28, 2013

Honey Throat Drops (or Candy)

A few months ago, I got a cold. Cough and throat drops helped. After my cold, I was stocking up on more On Guard and I saw that doTERRA has On Guard Protecting Throat Drops (item #3405). Rebecca over at Camp Wander said, "you're  crafty, I bet you could make something like that." Well, thank you, but....Could I?

I'm not very handy in the kitchen. Over the last six years, I've been teaching myself to cook; I have several friends and my brother (hi, Schuyler) on emergency text standby for kitchen/cooking help. This sounded like a kitchen disaster waiting to happen....
And it was!

My first attempt was a disaster, okay not exactly a disaster but it was not good, it was edible but not salvageable. I lacked a key tool - candy thermometer (hey, the blog post I read said you didn't have to have one and I was too impatient to go buy one for $5.06 at Safeway).

I can't be sure if this is a result of not getting to the needed temperature of 300 degrees or that I used candy trays from a chocolate candy kit, that are now in the recycle bin. 

With the proper tools, I'm happy to report, the second effort was a success! Tasty, hard honey candies...I mean honey throat drops. If I can do this, you really can too!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Foot Spa Night

I need a pedicure BAD! Unfortunately, the budget doesn’t allow for that sort of thing right now. But I can be pretty resourceful, so I’d been thinking for a few weeks that I should just give myself a foot spa. Now this in no way replaced my love for going to the spa for a pedi– oh the massage, the cute painted flowers, sigh – but my feet are softer and it was pretty fun if I do say so myself.

Here’s my version of a foot spa at home on a budget with things you probably have at home,  or can easily make/acquire.

I watched a Hallmark Christmas movie (yes, I know, Christmas is over, sad) while pampering myself. I also had some candy hearts and tea and my house was husband free and the dog was snoozing.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Lip Balm Bliss

I am a chap stick/lip balm addict. It’s true. I always have it with me and am known to freak out a little if I don't. I have it next to the couch where I sit in our living room, on the kitchen counter, several in my purse, the bathroom, next to my bed, next to my computer, next to where I sit to craft, in the car, in my husband’s truck…you get the idea.

I also happen to be picky. Weird, I know. I like it to last on my lips. I like it to taste clean. I like it to feel substantial. I like to know what’s in it and something really important to me is no animal testing.

Why didn't I think of making my own before?! I actually had but I thought it would be hard and time consuming and that it wouldn't turn out. I love to create and make things but I am also a perfectionist and I hate not being really good at something the first time; this, unfortunately, can prevent me from trying new things. *sigh*

In my head, and now to y’all, I call this lip balm “Kweli Kisses.” Kweli is our dog, our only child, my bff with four legs. If you know her, you know she has a powerful tail and a really big, slobbery tongue headed to your face.

Monday, January 7, 2013

My First Drop

I first became interested in essential oils by following the blog CampWander.

 **I won**

(hint, hint - there might be a 
giveaway in your future) 
with three great
essential oils
Lemon, Peppermint, 

It came in the mail (I LOVE mail, don't you?) and I thought 
"Okay, now what?" 

  Please consult a certified aromatherapist or medical professional before ingesting essential oils. 

Next came lavender...
I had been reading how all oils are beneficial when 
applied to the feet. 
Okay but HOW?!
Two ways - to start 
(I can't give away all my secrets in the first real blog post!)
You can put two drops in your palm and then rub on your feet. 
Or you can put a drop directly on your foot (if you're flexible). *Remember your dilution rates*
Now go to sleep...or relax and feel less stressed out.

I first used it to rub on my stomach 
to help calm an upset stomach (one of my reoccurring issues).
Sometimes I just open the bottle and
inhale to help calm my tum 
or to wake me up - so refreshing.

Don't forget to use a carrier oil and the appropriate dilution {click here for more info}.

Ready to get started with your own oils? 
What ways do you use these three great oils? I'm sure they'll come up often in future blog posts, so stay tuned.

Happy day, :) Lea B

This post has been updated to reflect new information I have learned - you may find things omitted that were previously there. In recipes, I have crossed out the old amount and added the new. 10/2013

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Beginning

My reasons for starting a blog...<couldn't I just start?! this feels so awkward.> 
Here's my idea:

I love essential oils! I was really intimidated by them when I started...and it really wasn't that hard to incorporate them into daily life. I want to spread the word on how easy they are!

I like to talk about all kinds of things (but not on the phone), I love to text and email and write in my journal. This is kind of like a journal everyone reads!

I hope to share my experiences and fun things about once a week. I might not be great at this, I might fail, but I'm going to try, and put myself out there, in hopes that I make something better/easier/lovelier for one person one day.

Here I go...NERVOUS!!!
Lea B