
Monday, August 19, 2013

Protect Yourself with a Protective Blend

Back to my "series" on profiling my favorite oils. I love the protective blends. This one is a little harder to profile, since most are proprietary blends - a mixture of oils with a top secret recipe. Hopefully, this gives you enough general information.

What is a protective blend: A protective blend is a mixture of several essential oils that, when combined, help protect you from germs - harmful bacteria, mold and viruses. 

These blends can be diffused into the air or used to clean around your home. They may also be used topically, with a carrier oil. 
Protective blends typically affect your immune system, to boost it and help your body protect itself. 

Quite a few protective blends are out on the market today. EO companies have trademarked their top secret blend of oils. These blends usually contain: clove, cinnamon bark, lemon, eucalyptus, and rosemary.

Interested in making your own protective blend? The Prairie Homestead has a great recipe for DIY All-Purpose Anti-Bacterial Essential Oil Blend. {Click here} to get the recipe and read more about protective blends and their history (Bubonic Plague). 

Safety Info: While all oils should be used with caution, these blends should be used with extra caution during pregnancy. There are several "hot" oils that make up the blend, these EOs can cause extreme skin irritation and with repeated use can cause contact sensitization. 

Ways to protect in real life: 

  • Diffuse: Put up to 8 drops into your diffuser of choice and enjoy a spicy, fall scent that is working hard to kill germs. Don't have a diffuser? Try a drop or two on a cotton ball and attach to an air vent or fan. Or even try a drop or two on your air filter in your AC unit. 
  • Apply to bottoms of feet: In a 1/6oz (5ml) roller bottle available here and here, add 8 2 drops of protective blend and top off with a carrier oil. Roll on when you're sick. Also try rolling it on your wrist or chest where you can inhale it.
  • Household cleaner: Add several drops of this to your vinegar/water cleaning solution. It will kill the bacteria and other germs.
  • Clean your toothbrush: Put a few drops into a shot glass of water, soak your toothbrush head in it. Replace the solution every few days. I use this after a cold sore.
  • Honey throat candies: {Click here} to read about how to make them, using a protective blend.
  • DIY hand sanitizer: Add witch hazel (it has great bacteria fighting benefits when applied to the skin) and a drop of a protective blend to a 4ml spritz bottle, shake and spray hands when you're out and about. 
  • Please consult a certified aromatherapist or medical professional before consuming essential oils. 
*Please read our disclaimer by clicking {here}.
This post has been updated to reflect new information I have learned - you may find things omitted that were previously there. In recipes, I have crossed out the old amount and added the new. 10/2013