
Monday, December 30, 2013

End of the First Year

Happy (almost) New Year! This year seemed to fly by, didn't it? Where has the time gone?

Reflecting on the year, I have so much to be thankful for. It has been such a blessing to have this blog and am grateful for all of the new friends I have made through it. Because of this blog, I have learned so much about essential oils. It seems, the more I learn, the more there is to learn. Educating myself enables me to bring you the best knowledge I can. As I learn new things, I have updated past blog posts to reflect that new information. One of my favorite things is the dilution chart {click here} that is so important to remember when using essential oils. Just like so many things in life, there is more to learn but not enough time to learn them all in. 

A few points to wrap up 2013: 
  • Please make sure you are using essential oils safely. 
  • Check out your information sources and see where they're getting the information they're giving you. Just like conventional medicine, it's always good to get a second opinion. 
  • Essential oils must be treated with respect, just like you would an over the counter medicine or a prescription from your doctor. 
As always, please note that I am not an expert, nor am I a trained aromatherapist. I, however, enjoy using essential oils, making beauty and household products, and I do my best to pass on quality information. 

Be sure to tune in next week - it's A Drop of This' one year blogiversary 
and it is gonna be a party!

Hugs & High Fives!