I was challenged! You encouraged me to experiment with creating my own recipes and I have accepted the challenge. Here are the results of my experimentation with a green tea face mask that I made with ingredients I had on hand. The inspiration for this recipe comes from Humblebee & Me {HERE}, who also posted about encouraging us to all try experimenting with DIY beauty recipes.
Green Tea Face Mask
1 Tbsp aloe vera juice (not gel!)
1 tsp matcha powder (or green tea extract)
4-6 tsp European clay powder
5 drops jojoba oil
Whisk together the aloe vera juice and the matcha. Slowly add the clay until it looks like a mask paste. Whisk in jojoba oil.
Apply to face. Leave on for about 20 minutes, the mask does dry out. Rinse off mask, I used a warm wash cloth.
I had a moment of terror as I used a warm wash cloth to loosen the clay mask and clean my face off that when I opened my eyes, my skin would be green. Thankfully, it wasn't. Just sparkly, squeaky clean.
I followed this mask up with a few drops of chilled macadamia nut oil gently rubbed into my skin.
Sensitive skin warning: As I've mentioned before, I do have sensitive skin. I noticed some slight redness on my cheeks and a bit of irritation. It didn't last long and wouldn't prevent me from doing it again.
Linked up with: Inspire Me Monday, Homestead Barn Hop