All content, including but not limited to stories, recipes, and experiences shared on A Drop of This blog are for informational purposes only. They are reflections of the opinion of A Drop of This and are not intended or implied to be a replacement for professional medical advice, treatment or care.
All content presented on this blog including text, graphics, photos, links and the like are for general informational proposes. A Drop of This makes no representation of and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the materials presented via this website. Individuals are encouraged to use multiple sources to verify the information read via A Drop of This prior to implementing any of the suggested material into their life. NEVER delay seeking professional medical advice, treatment or care because of something you have read about or accessed through this website. A Drop of This does not make any representation of the individual suitability of applicable knowledge gained from this blog for any specific treatment. A Drop of This is not responsible or liable for any course of treatment, advice or any other information obtained from this website.
The statements contained in this blog have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information contained here is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.